Thursday, June 26, 2008


The laugh festival
You've waited a whole year for:
It's TCIF!

Well, this week hasn't gotten any less busy, as you could probably tell from the complete lack of blogs. Apologies abound. It's been quite the few days. On the plus side, the up-coming BNW election show should be quite the hoot. We've been writing and re-writing some very funny things. I hope you can pencil us in on your schedule...

On to more important matters:
1) TCIF starts today. There are three shows tonight, a whole bunch of shows tomorrow and Saturday night, and a special TCIF Go Go on Sunday. Ferrari McSpeedy is performing Saturday at 7 pm with the Josh And Tamara Show, which features puppets. Puppets! How can that be anything but the best thing ever? At 8:30 on Saturday, the BNW performs with BASSPROV. As the kids say, "Hells yeah!" If you've never seen BASSPROV, then you've never had your head exploded by improvisation.
Sunday's TCIF Go Go features, amongst three other great groups, HUGE Theater. At last year's TCIF, HUGE had a life-changing set. Seriously. If you were there, then your life was probably changed. Will this year bring more of the same? You'll probably have to show up to find out.
There are also a ton of other really great shows to check out (Scram, PimpProv, Neutrino, a superduperspecial Five Man Job) so you might as well just grab a wad of cash and prepare to spend the weekend at the BNW.
2) The Pixies' album Doolittle has landed on Rock Band as part of the downloadable content. Things couldn't get much perfecter. If anyone needs to scream a little Crackity Jones, dial me up.
3) This new tv channel changer is, in a word, fantastic. These Storm Trooper high heels, on the other hand, are not.
4) Seriously. TCIF.
5) Minneapolis church takes gay pride service outside
Saying they don't want to go back in the closet, gay and lesbian Catholics and their supporters took their annual prayer service celebrating gay pride outdoors Wednesday night.
About 100 people marched from the parking lot to the front of St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in south Minneapolis, where they celebrated a service officials from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis had banned from the church itself.
"There's some outrage over the archdiocese's decision," said Marianne Duddy-Burke, executive director of DignityUSA, a national organization for gay Catholics. "But people are excited that the gay pride service continued."
However, some protesters were concerned that the service was taking place outside. Said one anonymous protester, "I was actually ok with the service taking place indoors. I mean what if it had rained? Could you imagine what would happen they all got wet, and all that gay had gotten mixed into the rain water and run off into the rivers and lakes? The fish would turn gay, and probably the deer too. Then I might accidentally eat that gay fish or deer, and then I'd be gay. That's how it works, right?"



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