Tuesday, July 28, 2009


It's not the flavor
That always leaves us wanting;
It's the memory.

In a scant couple of days, I'll be returning to the Fringe Festival with the other half of Ferrari McSpeedy in an all-improvised show called "Comedy Go!" It's been a while since I've participated in the Fringe Fest, and I am... how should I put this... "jazzed." There's a certain attraction to the Fringe - perhaps it's the multitude of D.I.Y. shows that explode around town, or the looks on the faces of audience members that just saw a show that they were not expecting to see, or just the increased chances of running into Leslie Ball. Whatever it is, it's almost upon us, and that's quite agreeable.

You know what else is agreeable? The fat that blue M&Ms might prevent spinal injury. It's a fact! I'm glad that a possible solution to the health care crisis might involve increased candy consumption. With news like this, the U.S. might go from the fattest nation in the world to the most health conscious without a single change in habits.

More on the Fringe and other assorted funneries tomorrow.


P.S. - If you're on the Twitter, I recommend following twitter.com/RexHardjaw. Why not?

Monday, July 27, 2009


The sun settles low
And as shadows creep along
A year passes by.

The other day, President Obama was sworn in...

Wait a minute! That happened half a year ago!

Apologies for the complete lack of blogging. I am destined to return to it. Starting now. Well, mayhaps starting tomorrow.